Jul 22, 2010

on d way ke tg karang...

oh sufi,i miss u so much..
First of all, it's weird actually as nobody ask me to update this blog of mine despite I haven't post anything yet for a week..

Where have they been huh?

Never mind.

So, it has been a week. What should I write? Hmm.

act,im x with my lappy for 3 days...uhh..mis my lappy very much..n most import thing,i really miss my sufi n fb..u know y?coz i decided to go to my village,tg karang n im x bring it together..and now im coming!!!!hehe...

ok,no story to share..but,juz i want to tell u what i gonna to write..haha...(klakar plak)

balik kg nek motor...n im realized that my mum worried abot me...but i know how to take care of my self..ya la,on d road anytg can be hapen rite..??accident,ujan n others..it maybe takes high risk..but if ALLAH wills we are protected...huhu..

dad time rasenya bawa moto paling slow..60-70 km/hr...haha...slow sgt...nak nikmati angin waktu ptg tapi dtkdirkan ada la satu LORI ni,lalu kt sebelah n then makin lama makin himpit my moto.then i terbabas la kt tepi2 rumput tu..alhamdulillah rumput,bukan parit...uiissh...kalu x elak konfirm i da tersentuh lori tu,then jatuh..uihh,alhamdulillah ya ALLAH..rasenya time nk mulkn journey td bace doa...eerr(garu2 pale)..

sufi,rese mcm teraniaya plak bila lori tu wat camtu..tapi,xpe la...mayb ALLAH nk tgk kot sejauh mana kesabaran kita...tp ssshhhh..diam2 tau..x bgtau mak pun pasai benda ni...takut..hehe..xpo la,da selamat da pun smpi..

btw,juz to remind u all..hati2 ler if atas jalan tu...bahaya...paling pentg,jgn lupa bace doa..sebab hanya ALLAH jer tmpt kita berlindung...(ni ingatan utk diri sendri gak)

anway,my journey from kapar to kg...sgt bez waktu ptg tu...the wind blow into my face remind me abot my vacation with my frenz when we are in LANGKAWI..miss them so much!!!
xpela,tu cite next time k...

''Memberi maaf mampu membuka belenggu2 sakit hati & mampu menyingkirkan kebencian....:)''


~fam~ said...

kebetulan la....kita sama kampung....awak dok mana eh?sy dok kg sri tiram, tg karang....:)

princess ameera said...

wasalam..oo..alhamdulillah..dpt berkenalan dgn org sekampung..tg karang my hometown..umah nenek kat parit serong dan dato' manan..dekat sangat rasenya ngan kg seri tiram tu...hehe..insyaALLAH